Frequently ASKed Questions
We can be reached by telephone, email, WeChat.
Telephone: 416-735-5547
Mailing address: 92 Hillview Road, Aurora, Ontario, L4G2M5
Principal: Sheileen Krone, Email
WeChat ID:
You can register any time and start your courses anytime. You can start and finish according to your own, personal schedule.
Each full credit course consists of 110 hours of course work. Depending on how quickly you progress through the course determines how long it will take to complete. You can access your course at any day of the week/month, 24 hours a day. So it is all up to you.
Yes. The curriculum expectations in each credit course – online or in a physical classroom setting – are the same so you will complete the same course expectations in an ASK Online Canada course as you would in any other credit course.
Yes. ASK Online Canada is inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education and authorized to grant credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. ASK Online Canada credits are accepted at all Ontario high schools, universities and colleges as well as other schools around the world.
To register, you need an email address, previous report cards or transcript, showing the prerequisite course, and your fees. If you are registering for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy course, you need to provide your document that states you have written the Literacy Test but were unsuccessful.
You can choose between 4 payment options:
- Email transfer your fees into fees to The security question should be: What colour is the sky? The answer should be: blue.
- Paypal
- Wire Transfer – contact for details.
- You can mail a certified cheque or bank draft to ASK Online Canada, 92 Hillview Drive, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 2M5. Once the cheque or bank draft has been processed, you will be registered in your courses.
Once your fees have been received, you will receive access to your courses within 24 hours.
You can take as many as you can handle. You have one year to complete your courses so plan your schedule so that you can be as successful as possible. If you would like to discuss your options, you can contact Sheileen, the principal.
Once you have completed your course work, you are eligible to write your final examination. Email your teacher or the principal your request to write your final exam. You have the following options when writing your final exam:
- You can find an approved proctor and write the exam under his/her supervision.
- You can arrange to write the exam at an ASK Online Location in North York.
If you choose to write with a proctor, you must submit your proctor form before writing your exam.
We want you to succeed, so if you are having any difficulty you have the following options:
- Email your question to your teacher
- Request a telephone/skype/wechat/ect meeting with your teacher to discuss your work.
- Schedule an appointment to meet with a teacher to help you work through your challenges.
If you are a full time student at another school, your guidance counselor should assist you in uploading your grades to OUAC or OCAS. If not, ASK Online Canada can upload your final grades to OUAC if you provide us with your OUAC reference number or your OCAS reference number.
Contact to make arrangements. There is no additional fee for this service.
If you are planning to apply to university, you may place your application by requesting a PIN from After you receive your PIN, you will complete the 101 application by logging in and creating an account with OUAC. Once your application has been completed, ASK Online will upload all Grade 11 and 12 academic data.
For students applying to post-secondary schools outside Ontario or students who are OUAC 105 applicants, ASK Online Canada will communicate with up to three post-secondary institutions at no charge with a letter of enrollment, midterm report, and a final report. If a student wishes for VHS to communicate with more than three institutions, a fee of $35 is applicable for each additional school.
You may apply to any Ontario college at ASK Online Canada will update student data by providing the courses / grades. The student must submit their Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) Application Number (YY-###-####) or OCAS Account Number to VHS will update the student’s account with a letter of enrolment, midterm grade, and final grade upon course completion. The student must add ASK Online Canada to the academic information on their OCAS account so that we are able to update the account accordingly.
Please contact if you have any questions.
If you become a full time student with ASK Online Canada, we will assign an OEN (Ontario Education Number) to you, begin an OSR (Ontario Student Record) folder for you and issue your reports and transcripts. If you are eligible for graduation, we will issue your OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma).
You may register the same way as other students – selecting your courses, paying your fees and submitting your report cards/transcripts. You must also send a copy of your passport document or other document showing proof of identity. You may register as an international student from within Canada or from outside of Canada. If you are outside of Canada, you do not need a study permit to take online courses. If you complete your diploma requirements, you may receive an OSSD even if you are outside of Ontario.
Students are required to complete the provincial literacy requirement in order to earn an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma). If you successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), you will satisfy the Literacy requirement. If you write the test and are not successful, you are eligible to complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). If you pass the Literacy Course, you will satisfy the Literacy requirement for the OSSD.
Students usually write the Literacy Test in Grade 10 but may be granted a deferral by the principal and write in Grade 11 or 12. Students who do not successfully complete the OSSLT will have the opportunity to retake the test in subsequent years. Once students have successfully completed the OSSLT, they may not retake it.
Full time students at ASK Online Canada can make special arrangements to write the Literacy Test. The test must be supervised by a suitable official who satisfies the requirements outlined by EQAO.
Please ask about the fees for writing the Literacy Test.
Please contact the Principal if you have any questions about the Literacy requirement.
When you have finished your final examination, you will notify your teacher that it is complete. You will receive your report card approximately 7 days after. You will receive your copy by email and/or mail. A copy of your report will be mailed to your home school if you are a part time student.
No problem! If you need more time, please Contact Us and your request will be reviewed.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Preparation Courses
Ontario Literacy Test Preparation
Please contact the principal about courses you might like that are not in this list. They may be soon available.